Bibliography of Australasian Mining History

Compiled by Mel Davies
First published in June 2002, with additions  up to 2022. The Australasian Mining History Association is deeply indebted to the Australian Heritage Commission for granting permission to extract the core of the accompanying mining history bibliography from the work of Peter Donovan & Associates, A Mining History of Australia, Part 1 (1995).

The bibliography is divided into a General  list of works which examine mining history on an Australia-wide basis, and lists that focus on topics within specific regions. Each of the lists is sub-divided into a General category; Minerals/elements; Energy Sources; Precious Stones; Associated Social and Economic History; Equipment and Structures; Processes; Mine Transportation; People and Organisations; Heritage Surveys and Archaeology.

Bibliography of Australasian Mining History (2.35 Mb PDF file) see under FOR MEMBERS page.